Thursday, March 11, 2010


Marua rescued a starving doberman with terrible skin mange last year in June. Ever since she has educated, running to the vet, medicated and done everything. Bella is today getting serialized. Bella is up for adoption, but Maura promised her when she found her to make her strong and beautiful before getting her a good family. I admire Maura for keeping her word. Maura also helped me with the wonderful puppies Rose and Cody. They were adopted 2 months ago by Erica and her family. And we promised her too that they would be serialized and castrated.

They were of course charming us all. You could notice that they came from a good family.

In the car, Cody sang but Rose was quiet. But we didn't mind. At the vet with Dr. Gigi they were so good.

Even better behaving than me when I am visiting my doc.
More happened this day but that will be a follow up tomorrow.

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