Monday, December 8, 2014

Two very special Seniors

Happy Tuesday Holiday from Nonna Maria and Love
Despite not reading the book Secret, they know the positive wag tail. Abandoned and abused they know the meaning of moving forward in life. That's Amore! 

Sunday, December 7, 2014


Joice is waiting for her dogwalker. When she sees him she opens the door herself. Nonna Maria thinks this place is ok for an old Senior, but that Joice could go to another window. Joice makes a lot of exiting sounds with a high pitch đŸŸ

Thursday, December 4, 2014


 Alla hundar har rĂ€tt till ett gott liv
I ett villaomrÄde nere i södra Italien hotades ett vackert hundpar till livet. KÀnslorna var delade bland husÀgarna angÄende de tvÄ hemlösa hundarna. NÄgon hade tidigare krossat schÀfer-flickan Mayas framben med ett basebolltrÀ.

Sebastian, en vacker rottweiler, skyddade och ordnade mat Ă„t Maya varje dag.
Mayas skador hade fĂ„tt sjĂ€lvlĂ€kas och under kyliga dagar fick hon stora problem med att gĂ„.

 Min dotter Olivia och jag matade och medicinerade hundarna. 
Jag pratade med personer i omrĂ„det, men hot att ta bort hundarna dĂ€rifrĂ„n haglade starkare för varje dag. Ingen ville adoptera tvĂ„ stora hundar av dessa raser, som dessutom var gatuhundar. 

En dag kontaktade en amerikansk kvinna och hennes vuxna dotter mig, för de ville gĂ€rna adoptera en hund frĂ„n ett shelter. Vi körde tillsammans till ett stĂ€lle med 500 hundar. Men varje gĂ„ng kvinnorna sa att de ville adoptera nĂ„gon av hundarna fick de ett blankt nej av personalen. VolontĂ€rerna hade hela tiden en Ă„sikt om varför mamman och dottern inte kunde adoptera just de hundarna. 

Tillslut tröttnade vi och gick frustrerade dĂ€rifrĂ„n.

 VĂ€gen till mammans och dotterns hem var avstĂ€ngd, sĂ„ vi fick köra en annan lĂ€ngre vĂ€g. Plötsligen sĂ„g jag tvĂ„ hundar sittandes vid vĂ€grenen. Jag stirrade ut genom mitt sidofönster och mumlade: ”Det kan inte vara sant!” 

DĂ€r, lĂ„ngt hemifrĂ„n, satt hundarna Maya och Sebastian och vĂ€ntade pĂ„ oss! Sittandes vid vĂ€grenen som tvĂ„ liftare, vĂ€ntandes pĂ„ att bli upplockade. Jag stannade bilen, hoppade ur och sa förvĂ„nat: ”Men vad gör ni hĂ€r, sĂ„ lĂ„ngt hemifrĂ„n?!” 

Mamman och dottern stod nu bakom mig och undrade: ”Men kan vi inte adoptera dessa tvĂ„ hundar?” Jag trodde inte mina öron. 
”Menar ni allvar?”, frĂ„gade jag hĂ€pet. 

Vi öppnade bildörren och lyfte in bĂ„de Sebastian och Maya, som inte gjorde nĂ„got motstĂ„nd.

Jag var överlycklig! 

Allting gick över mina förvĂ€ntningar. Mamman och dottern flyttade frĂ„n Italien till England och bor numera i Texas, USA. Naturligtvis följde Maya och Sebastian med sin familj runt om i vĂ€rlden. 

Universum har planer för oss alla. BĂ„de för mĂ€nniskor och djur. Vi ser kanske inte alltid helheten utan livet Ă€r som en spiraltrappa, i konstant flöde. 

Sebastian och Maya visste att vi skulle komma den vĂ€gen, just den dagen. De vĂ€ntade lugnt och tĂ„lmodigt i harmoni tillsammans med Universums planer. Deras framtid var pĂ„ vĂ€g mot dem, nĂ€r vi kom i den silvergrĂ„ bilen.

That’s Amore!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Veckans Kronika i Tidningen Nara

Ett sÄrat hjÀrta kan stoppa godhjÀrtad hjÀlp
Nere i södra Italien Àr bensinstationerna ett vanligt tillhÄll för mÄnga gatuhundar. En del hundar kÀnner att de uppskattas av de anstÀllda nÀr de vaktar bensinstationen under natten. Andra gatuhundar hoppas pÄ att bli upplockade av en vÀnlig person som tankar bilen.
Bensinstationen som Antonio arbetar pĂ„ Ă€r omringad av sopor och misĂ€r. Barn med smutsiga klĂ€der skyndar förbi. MĂ„nga mammor arbetar som prostituerade och mĂ€nnen dealar med narkotika. Antonio tyr sig hellre till djuren Ă€n till mĂ€nniskorna. Ett gammalt fuktigt hundhus som han byggt stĂ„r vid sidan om kontoret dĂ€r han arbetar. 

PĂ„ bensinstationen finns en liten tik som Ă€r ungefĂ€r sju mĂ„nader. Gracie vĂ€ntar troget pĂ„ Antonio varje morgon, hon vet att han har matrester med sig. Gracie har gamla lĂ€kta sĂ„r efter att ha blivit misshandlad. NĂ„gon har klippt av henne öronen och sparkat henne i ansiktet. Hennes högra öga har en inre blödning och behöver opereras. PĂ„ gatan Ă€r det inte bara mĂ€nniskan som försöker överleva, det försöker Ă€ven djuren.

Antonio blir upprörd nĂ€r vi vill ta hunden till veterinĂ€ren och börjar skrika. Vi vill inte bemöta hans ilska, det kan göra saken vĂ€rre för Gracie. NĂ€r vi nĂ€sta dag kommer till bensinstationen Ă€r Gracie borta, likasĂ„ det trasiga hundhuset. Antonio har flyttat henne till trĂ€dgĂ„rden vid hans hem. Han vill inte lyssna pĂ„ oss nĂ€r vi talar om att hon behöver vĂ„rd. Vi kĂ€nner oss maktlösa, arga, ledsna och besvikna.

En vecka senare kontaktar Antonio oss och ber om hjĂ€lp. Gracie Ă€r vĂ€ldigt sjuk! Antonio berĂ€ttar med sorg om sin tidigare hund, som han Ă€lskade mer Ă€n livet. En kvinna lovade honom att köra den hunden till veterinĂ€ren en gĂ„ng nĂ€r det behövdes. Antonio (som tjĂ€nar ungefĂ€r 200 kr om dagen) var tacksam för hennes hjĂ€lp.

Men kvinnan kom aldrig tillbaka med hunden. Antonio sörjer fortfarande sin hund och hans smĂ€rta frĂ„n det förflutna gör honom rĂ€dd. KĂ€rlek kan stjĂ€lpa oss, nĂ€r vi av rĂ€dsla hĂ„ller kvar det förflutna. 

NĂ€r vi vĂ„gar slĂ€ppa ilska och rĂ€dsla kan Universum pussla ihop oss alla till en lösning. Vi behöver ha tillit och tro, hur djupa Ă€rren Ă€n Ă€r i hjĂ€rtat. 

Alla vi slĂ€ppte vĂ„ra rĂ€dslor. Antonio slĂ€ppte sin rĂ€dsla för att förlora Gracie och vi slĂ€ppte vĂ„r rĂ€dsla om att inte kunna rĂ€dda henne. 

Gracie Ă€r nu i ett fosterhem under veterinĂ€rvĂ„rd och Antonio hĂ€lsar ofta pĂ„.

That’s Amore!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The cutest face ever

This is Fonzie 14 years old. He was one minute away from being put down to sleep. They claimed he couldn't walk or eat. Our veterinarian called us and we picked him up. His nails were so long that he couldn't walk Now he can! We put a bowl of food so he could eat. Guess what!?! He eats like he never saw food before.
Fonzie is now in a forever foster home. He adores Flavia and follows her around. 
That's Amore!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Nonna Maria

When the cleaning lady is here, me and my bed has to go outside.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Senior Joe

Joe is a senior stray and he has no mom or dad that tells him goodnight. He doesn't have a warm place. Joe is gentle loving to everyone, children and other dogs. Right now is he in Italy but can be adopted anywhere to the right loving home. Everyone should have a home!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Don't forget why

Take a moment and think why you rescue animals! Don't forget those you helped. It is such a overwhelming job that's easy to drown in all the cases you cannot do anything.

For always Dicky and me <3

Piccolino searching for a home

He is a young make 15 kg Loves to hang around in stable with dogs, horses and children He is a sweetheart!

Thursday, November 13, 2014


We would love to meet you on Instagram. Cannot wait to met you all wonderful animals friends.


Monday, November 10, 2014


 This is a wonderful family that adopted Moose from southern Italy. Moose is now living in Sweden and doing fantastic. Its a sporty and active family so Moose gets a lot of activities.
 He is a food-thief. Food from the counter or table when the family is turning their back on him. But what amazes me is that they just laugh and write on Instagram "Guess its Pizza tonight, Moose eat the chicken" They also send me short messages with pictures now and then, and I cannot help but laugh.
They are teachers, and this great sign was one of his co-workes gift to "dad"

That's Amore!

Monday, November 3, 2014


From our Senior Sanctuary has the alarm clock not made a noise. Two old ladies that loves to spoon. No chance getting them out this cold morning. But, isn't that the beauty to get don't have to anymore.

Enjoy your beauty sleep, Shiloh and Nonna Maria.

That's Amore!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Trust the Dog


 Lottie is a former rescue dog from Napoli, Italy, already with her second family. The family cannot keep her, since she is a very determent lady already, doing her best to test the family the whole time. The first owner went through private reasons.
Lottie hasn't had good luck and its NOT her fault. In Napels many rescue and help dogs and sometimes the match doesn't work. Its like being a Marathon runner married to a couch-potato that never would let you out of the door. You with all the energy would start screaming, chewing some of his shoes so at least he would notice you. Scratch the walls, but when he ones in awhile would see you, you would cuddle up to him, since you know what unconditional love is. Same with Lottie. Lottie is a hunting dog, not a small Fuffo that licks her butt the whole day.
Lottie is a handful and in the wrong family. Not that there is something wrong with this family. The match is whats not right.
This has never been an AWL dog, but the owner asked us to help them find Lottie a wonderful home were she can stay.
Lottie is two (2) years old and a pure breed beagle. She hasn't been spayed but will be before next family (AWL requirement).
Lottie is very loving and loves playing with toys and having cuddles. She had a very stubborn nature which makes it hard for us to train her without help. She needs a lot more attention than we can give her as we are a very busy family.
She is vaccinated and microchip.
As you can see she is good with kids and our other dog Bella.
She can go to Sweden and Germany

Friday, October 10, 2014


From the singer Imma Allozzi : ALL the most important musicians and singers of Naples will be with me on stage! We'll play all together and that's the most amazing thing of my life! Music and charity will join in a great event. I still can't believe it!"
Don't miss this charity filled with LOVE♥ FOOD/DRINKS & MUSIC
SUNDAY 12th Oct at 19.00
Call your friends and ask/invite them, don't just wait  Call NOW! --no email--

Thursday, October 9, 2014


Another Friday is passing by.  We apologies for not being such a super updaters lately.

AWL is swamped with work, and we are happy and blessed that we can help so many four legged love bugs. However, we have "helped" two legged too.

People come to South Naples and stays for 2-3 years. They bring in/adopt stray dogs and then, they move back to the States and some families/persons do not bring their dog with them.

Or, they adopt a dog and don't want to exercise, and the result is a destructive dog. One was sick and the owner didn't bring him to the vet. They complained about the dog being "nuts". We took the dog, made sure it came under medical treatment, and tadada..... a new dog....and a new loving family.

A lot is going on behind the scenes that we do not write about...AWL is working hard, that's for sure.

And we love it when you sends us small <3 an="" appreciation.="" as="" hug="" is="" nbsp="" our="" p="" reward.="" that="">
Updates are coming through the day....and we promise....better, more frequently updates.

You can follow us on FB that updates several times a day, and the postings are on Twitter too.

Happy Friday,

Monday, September 15, 2014


Kom och lyssna ett inspirerande kÀrleksfullt föredrag i Stockholm, Lördagen den 4 e Oktober. Mia Mattsson Mercer ar AWL President kommer att dela med sig av sina erfarenheter, glada fÀngslande historier. Vad kan djuren lara oss manniskor?

Underbara Carina Lidbom berÀttar och inspirerar. En underbar lördagseftermiddag. VÀlkomna!

Tack ocksÄ till Tove Karlsson som haller i föredraget.

That's Amore!

Monday, August 25, 2014


Finally, Nonna (grandma) Maria is now up in Germany at the Mercer Senior Sanctuary. That are wall to wall to a home and 24/7 always someone home to look after and care.

We got 6 seniors and one Sven. Sven is young but suffering a lot from seizures. Last Friday night to Saturday morning, did he have 23 seizures. Emergency and two sleepless nights. (more updates later)

However, Nonna Maria is now here, our wonderful old lady from the Hospice in S Italy. She was found on a field last year, starved and in very bad condition. She is wonderful, let me tell you that.

More updates during the day!

That's Amore!

#seniorsanctuary #seniors #rescuedogs, #fosterhome

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


In one way we are very exited for the new journey that AWL is going to take. However it saddens

many of us to official announce

that we will close out Hospice in Lago Patria end of September. Sadly, every month it is too much

money that need to be paid; rent, electricity and gas (and unexpected bills for broken things, light-bulbs,

doors etc. To have a descent place for the seniors cost plenty of money, and every month it’s a struggle

over how we are going to manage the bills.
We love to work with cases like Miele, or Vita and want to continue doing so. AWL is absolutely not giving up on our fantastic work. The show must go on. 
When having a hospice we sometimes need people staying at the hospice around the clock. It’s difficult.
AwL got designed a wood house for 4 dogs, and an extra room for supplies.
For the price of 3000 euro it can be AWL own place. But we need your help to help us collect the money.
We will have it built close to one of our volunteer that can watch over it together with some volunteers.  
In Germany we are starting with Senior Sanctuary place, for older dog to have a safe place until Heaven calls. Or, for special care for sick unwanted dogs. Volunteers can come and learn, love up on them. The house has two living areas.
The dogs are coming from the difficult area South Italy.
We also has to close our old house Casa dell'Amore, since animals were being dumped, or threatened to be dumped. Every day we get emails and calls from people that think our Hospice is a shelter. Daily, we have to stop our work to explain and argue. Some dogs are being tied up or thrown in over the fence. It’s very dangerous for our clients.

AWL started working in Italy 2008 (Founded 1999) and for many years has AWL worked with shelters with bathing, brushing and walking to socialize the dogs for better possibility for adoption. We will continue doing that once a month, on Saturdays. Bring food and medication donations to our shelter friends. Carrying on with our Spay and Neuter projects and Street projects. There are happy strays and we like to keep them that way by providing with medicine, spay and neuter and food for them. We have our area with strays that we keep a close eye on.  AWL has great teams here in Italy, Germany, USA and Sweden, and we want to sustain working with “difficult” cases.
We still need your support, love and donations so we can do what we are best, saving lives together with YOU.
That’s Amore!
 #shelter #adoption #animalswithoutlimits #fooddonations #hospice