Friday, September 7, 2012


AWL was invited to The British Community Fest in Lago Patria. There were many tables with exited presentations, from sports clubs to Restaurants.

 Our talented volunteer Chiara Ricci made "tattoos" that were highly appriciated by the young ones.
 Journalist Sandra Jontz is volunteering for AWL a lot on her free time. She is lovely woman and were attracting a lot of people to the table.

 Artist Rita Schneider volunteered and did a fantastic job. We were so grateful for having her there.
 Angelina Ambiginella is having a paint tattoo made. Angy is a very creative woman and had made these wonderful children hats. They were very popular among the young ones.

 Martina Ricci our talented jewelry designer had made new fantastic braclets. As always she gave 50% to AWL
 Our table had a lot to offer, and many people stopped by. We want to thank BCC (British Community Center) for inviting us.

As always grateful for all the help. Martina and Chiara Ricci, Angelina Ambigginella, Rita Schneider, Sondra Jontz. And Valerie Funk for covering the morning work at the hospice.

Ulla Linders Sweden, sent us the flyers, business cards, stickers.

Unique Cosmetic AB donated the Shampoo

You all are Amore, thank you for giving your time to help AWL. That's Amore.

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