Friday, December 30, 2016


The days are flying so fast away, and its been busy here at the Senior Sanctuary ( ChaCha wouldn't like to be called a Senior yet!)

I am so thankful to our veterinarian, Frau Kast and her team at the Tier Artz. Our Italian clients are being taken cared of with a lot care and love.
Leah is healing wonderful after her tumor surgery last week. And I am so happy we took the chance to put her under surgery despite her age. Leah was examined before the surgery, and she got a very strong heart. If we wouldn't have done the surgery, she would probably have had a couple of months to live.

We look at the client, the value of the dogs life, but we never take away an animal because we are afraid.
The blood test from ChaCha came back. I decided for a BIG blood analyse to take away many things that were possible for her to have.

She gained weight without eating much, so veterinarian Frau Kast suspected it could be the thyroid that was not working properly. And she was right!

Now Cha Cha is on medication, and after one month we have to take a new bloodtest to see how she is responding to her new medicine.

I had had the feeling that something wasn't ok with ChaCha, on the outside she looked fine, but I got the "mother feeling" And I was right!

Wonderful team work and amazing results when we all listen to each other.

That's Amore!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016


My beloved Leah got a nasty aggressive tumor on her inside of her leg. In a short time it grew and opened up.
Our veterinarian examined her and despite her older age we decided to have it removed. Its uncomfortable for her now and it will probably be painful for her in a while. While she is sedated they will check her with ultra sound.

Leah got a very strong heart and a fabulous personality! 

Our Senior three legged Angelo got a horrible infection in his nose. Antibiotic and painkiller for him.

The lady ChaCha had to go to the veterinarian too, for a lot of different blood tests. I know something is not correct inside of her. Also, our veterinarian told us she need to lose weight. 56kg!!!

We don't know how we are going to do that!!! She is on 2 small cups of dry food every day, and she got her own personal trainer (walker) Hm! Maybe I need to follow them during their walks to see if they really are walking and not by a fast food restaurant!


Skänk 10 Kr eller mer - En God Jul Till Utsatta Hundar!

Sverige Swisha 10 kr eller mer till 0735-090830. 

Skriv God Jul som meddelade. Tack! 

Ett kallt hårt betonggolv. En känsla av panik eller kanske hopplöshet och förtvivlan. Hungrig, törstig och smärtor i kroppen. En själ som långsamt tynar bort och ger upp... 
Detta är vad många hemlösa hundar upplever varje dag, när de sitter instängda i hemska shelters. Många sitter år ut och år in…. En miljö som är allt annat human att leva i, oavsett om det är djur eller människa. Eller hemlösa hundar som lever på gatan, många med skador och sjukdomar.

Som tur är finns det människor som vill skapa en förändring för dessa hundar, föreningar som passionerat arbetar för att utsatta hundar ska få ett bra liv. Animlas without Limits är en sådan förening och dem vill vi stötta!

Så nu är det vår tur att hänga på den fantastiska trenden - skänk 10 kr! Vi har såklart valt att stötta utsatta hundar. Mer specifikt kommer pengarna gå till Animals Without Limits (AWL) - som en en ideell organisation som jobbar för att skapa en bättre tillvaro för utsatta hemlösa hundar mestadels i Italien. AWL är en förening som jobbar mycket i det tysta, som gör otroligt mycket gott, men som inte hörs och syns mest. Den drivs av Mia Mattsson Mercer, som är en eldsjäl för djuren och gör mycket av jobbet helt själv. Såklart vill vi stötta henne och AWLs arbete. Vill ni veta mer om AWL så titta in på deras facebooksida!

Evenemanget börjar idag den 12 december och pågår fram till den 22 december. De pengar som kommit in skickar vi sedan direkt till AWL, som en julklapp till de utsatta hundarna från alla oss! 

Var med och önska God Jul genom att skänka 10 kr du också! Eller mer om du vill. Varje tia är guld värd, så ingen summa är för liten.
Ingen kan göra allt men alla kan göra något, så var med du också och skapa en bättre värld för de utsatta hundarna. De förtjänar det!





Harmoni & Balans ♥
/ Melinda och Joakim

Tuesday, December 6, 2016


In January this year did I fly and visit  Portugal. Mafalda and Rachel from their organisation welcomed me warmly, and showed me around in their beautiful colourful home of Lisbon.

Also, as I wanted, they took me to the backside of dog treatments, that no tourists ever sees.

I got to visit the death shelter. It is a very dark place which you never want to enter, afraid of not getting the images away that are glued behind your eyes.
I cried!

Yes I cried, and I let myself cry. That means I am still aware of the problem, and want to do something about it.

Inside there are no air! Boxes with high concrete walls. They never get outside, never get to see the light. This is a Town hall shelter, with people employed. I wondered for myself how their inner mind must look like after days, months and years working here. Do they tell them the up lifting stories that they are actually doing a change for the dogs? The euthanise of dogs are high--and don't tell me that is the solution or its "good" for the dog. Its a never ending story....dogs after dogs after dogs are being killed.

A couple of days later, I flew out with two dogs, to a wonderful home in Sweden. They were the lucky ones.

I want to do more! Take all dogs out and just eliminate the whole place.

I found Pat (picture below) that is one boy they wanted to euthanise. I saw his eyes.

Life was still there!

I wanted him.

This was January. Today it is December! It took me 11 months to get him out.
He is safe now! At a place were people love animals. Bruna is part of this Association that try to make it better for the animals in Portugal.

We sent 300 euro donation for Pat where he it staying in a  Dog kennel, with great food and free fields. We are getting updates about him very often. (money is for bathing-- you can believe how he smells after years in a concrete box-- veterinarian treatment and the rent to wonderful Bruna Rescue Kennel)
Thank you for helping making this possible. Movimento Movido a 4 Patas together with Bruna and AWL.

More updates will come.

Thats Amore!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Stella Nutella Loves Unconditionally

Why hurt someone whose only intention was only to love you.

Stella Nutella was a "happy" street dog.  She loved the people that fed her everyday, and gave her a pet or a belly rub now and then. Until that day when people started to build on the land she lived on. 

Many of her dog friends, disappeared, some got poisoned. Stella didn't want to leave, she loved people so much. The workers started to throw rocks at her. 

Thats when I saw her......

Monday, November 28, 2016


These two characters are "rescue" dogs from Italy living together in Germany.
Both are now Seniors and got the kindest hearts ever. Sammy and Leah also live together with ten other rescue dogs in the house that we bought to fit all our dogs.

Many ask us if they live inside! Yes of course, they are family members.

Each one of them knows their sleeping place, some in our beds, and some prefers their own dog beds.

They chose and show us, what they want. 

That's Amore!

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Diagnosed with Cancer

This is Trooper Rescue Dog. We rescued him from a shelter, he rescued us with Love, we rescued him from Cancer.

Yes! Our beloved Trooper is Cancer Free!

A couple of months ago he was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer in his urine bladder.  The veterinarian said he only had a short time on this Earth. Devastated we went home, of course together with Trooper.

Miracles Love, 



                 Animals do not Fear Death

 (You can read my column in Swedish here, Tidningen Nara 

Death may scare most of us humans, but it does not scare the animals. For the Other Side and Life are the same for them. 
Life will never end!

I have never experienced the Other Side for us humans. But I took part of the "Animals" Other side ones. The strong experience happened to me in the early 1990s and since then it has always comforted me when I work with sick animals.

In my first book, "Listen When Animals Speak" (Forum 2000) I wrote about my experience. At that time, I went to a masseuse who also worked with Body Harmony. That made me curious. "You can experience the past life," said the female masseur to me. I did as she said, but without much expectations. I breathed deeply and directly everything felt very pleasant. I just was!

Suddenly, a black and white muscular stallion cantered behind my closed eyelids in full figure. He was handsome and proud and had enormous charisma that gave me security and confidence. The stallion had control over all the other horses cantering around and finally they gathered behind him. They were all in a valley where the grass was green and juicy, and I saw everything so clearly, even dewdrops on each blade of the grass!
 I had never seen such a fantastic green grass before. The colors were magnificent and there was a great calm. The horses cantered past me and finally came Sigge, my horse that I had been euthanized a couple of months earlier. I could feel his presence so strong!

When I opened my eyes, I was totally confused and almost in a small state of shock. It had been like for every thought I thought, it became as if my eyes were zooming in like a camera lens. Everything was so peaceful and beautiful, that I wanted to go back there again. I longed!

I realized that life is not merely a loss, death and grief. There is a reason for everything, even death. A new door opens for those who leave the Earth, but also for those who remains.

A Labrador communicated to me just before she left her Earthly life: "We give you our whole heart and love, regardless of who you are. We give unconditionally love to our owners, as to all others we meet during our time on Earth. 
In the life time without any end! "

That's Amore
 picture Shutterstock

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Sweet Senior at the vet clinic. Like with humans its important to do your regularly check ups.

I know I am charming with my different ears. Thats Amore!

Friday, November 11, 2016


Our great volunteer Bianca Lopez went to our Animal Friends Shelter to help out. Think so much happiness and greatness you explore by visiting them. Never an unthankful soul.

Plenty of kisses and tail wagging .

Live the fullest, never lose Hope, maybe the new owner is around the corner.

Playing and cleaning are the right combination in life. They are my best Mindfulness Teacher.

Exercise even when you feel locked in. It keeps your brain going.
                                    No Pity Party at our Place Please. It never helps anyone.

That's Amore <3 p="">

Thank you Bianca and Friend (Chris we wish you a fast recovery--Chris is another volunteer.)

Thursday, October 20, 2016


This is honey! She had a rough start in life. Abandon and according to her wounds, locked up left to die.

Our wonderful AWL volunteer Nicky Mormino was out walking when she saw this poor little thing. Nicky didn't hesitate to take her and rich her to our veterinarian Dr.Damiani. In this Campania area they estimate that the number of strays are over 75.000. And all animal lovers homes are filled with rescue animals.
Honey is around 6-7 months old and is now resting out and getting treated and a lot of love and food, everything she need in an American family home.
We will keep you updates. 


The Golden Opportunity for dog lovers, that loves to travel. Now you can bring your four legged friend and explore beautiful Mallorca, filled with different exiting programs on the meny.

A Fantastic project are being created by my Animal Friend, Christina Kastin.

Mallorca, the Island of Beauty even  in November.

For more information check

Come fly with us.

That's Amore!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Ett meddelande från djurriket på Andra sidan

Mia Mattsson-Mercer krönika pa Tidningen Näras hemsida 

Vi djur lever efter vinden som är vår lärare. Du kan höra hennes röst om du lyssnar tillräckligt noga. Ljuset tillsammans med mörkret visar oss vägen. Människan är antingen vår vän eller fiende. Ni längtar efter frihet men inser inte att ni redan är fria! Det handlar om mod. Ni föds med gåvan av vetandet, men låter andra ta den ifrån er. 

Jag hoppade till där jag satt på kontoret för att göra min meditation, innan dagen började. Mina hundar låg stilla och ett svagt snarkande hördes ifrån de äldre hundarna.  

När ni håller oss i fångenskap tar ni sakta bort vårt tänkande. 

Orden ekade inom mig. Jag hade känt likadant när jag var hemma med barnen som små. Hur jag själv höll på att bli galen av instängdhet. Min hjärna domnade sakta bort. Men vem var denna inre röst som kom till mig under min meditation? Jag slöt ögonen igen och tog två djupa andetag. Impulserna kom snabbt tillbaka.

Många människor tittar ned på hemlösa människor och djur. Men de har sin frihet. Hemlösa har en annan lärdom som de följer. När ni människor är arga eller stressade är det som ett slags gift utsöndrar i era kroppar. Ni har så många sjukdomar. Djur i frihet lever längre än husdjuren. Ni ser väldigt sällan gatuhundar som plötsligen är arga eller stressade.

Vi behöver aldrig lära oss något genom en sjukdom. När vi blir sjuka accepterar vi det utan rädslor och mediterar oss igenom processen. Healing kommer från våra familjemedlemmar som ligger på ett behörigt avstånd. Vi är aldrig rädda, för vi vet vad som finns på Andra sidan. Livet ger er flera chanser. Gör som gatuhundarna, följ den inre kompassen. Du är född god, slarva inte bort din välvilja. När du ger din godhet till någon, aktiverar du ett liv med mod. 

That’s  Amore!
Mia Mattsson-Mercer

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Christmas Dog Presents

Christmas is around the corner. I think this is what I am going to do to my dog friends.

Share your ideas with us. We would love to read about them.

That's Amore!

AWL Action Run Amazin Result

 Tack alla ni som sponsrade AWL #actionrun skapat av Tove Karlsson, Sanne Stenbeck och Sebastian Winskog.
Underbara ni, ett totalt pa 13,990 kr <3 span=""> <3 span=""> <3 span="">
Minna Lind
Erik Jonsson 
Ingrid Nordstrand
Carola Madrell
Britt-Marie Åhlund
Rebecka Lind
Tove Karlsson 
Ulla-Marie Linders 
Madeleine Bohman 
Katarina Reti 
Eva Styrvoldt
Björn Karlsson 
Charlotte Karlsson 
Margareta Karlsson
Josefin Carlsson 
Camilla Lagerman 
Ann-Katrin Brokvist 
Melinda Hartner 
Marilyn E Limin 
Ida Dahlman 
Christopher Shooroi 
Emma Grönfeldt 
Ida H Karlsson 
Jonas Fors 
Solveig Qvam 
Britt-Marie Ljungkvist 
Lisa Jansson 
Marie Timmersjö 
Maja Landvik 
Mariella Valencia Vogel 
Jesper Kroon 
Ann-Christine Hansson 
Marie Lewen Carlsson 
Joanna Romgard 
Jesssica Söderberg 
Lena Andersson 
Carolin Undin 
Ingela Bäck 
Anreas Lillerud 
Ola Strömberg 
Elisabeth Kruse
Natalie Högberg 
Else Marie Pedersen - 
Ulla Linders 
Birgitta Hladish –
Christina Platou - 
Ylva Drougge Mercer 
Maria Hahne 
Ulla & Henrik 
Uppdateringar pa pengarnas ändamål kommer (veterinärvärd och matdonationer)
Annu en gang, tack alla for Erat engagemang.
Thats Amore!

Thursday, September 1, 2016


 Varje krona räknas stor som liten. Swisha till 0723661199🙏🏻

Hjälp oss att komma ända fram! Sprid budskapet till era vänner och bekanta.
Och än en gång tack till alla som varit med och bidragit💗💗💗 Mer material kommer snart!

 Amazing Tove, Sanne, Sebbe and Per We speechless my respect for you are high 


Fran Sanne; Helt fantastiskt TACK ALLA    som har spridit likeat kommenterat och swishat. Vi TILLSAMMANS nådde målet och SLOG det!! Vi har samlat ihop 12 118 KRONOR till AWL!!!!!

Och tack Mia Mattsson-Mercer Mattsson-Mercer för din ständiga kamp för dessa pälskroppar i allt du gör. 

 They are the heroes <3 p="">
Tove Karlsson, Sanne Stenbeck, Sebastian Winskog

A Longing After a Fragrant Freedom

  You can read CEO Mia Mattsson Mercer's column; Tidningen Nara CLICK HERE

 A Longing After a Fragrant Freedom 
Otello and I meet 2008 and again 2016. He was still in a cage 14 years old.
"Some of us know what family life is, but we have lost our freedom longing after other things. We long for all the scents, the freedom, the wind, the moon, to life itself. Without demands. With the fragrances that transform euphoric pleasure in us. To experience a deep peace in our souls, a peace of mind and harmony of different colors. To live in each moment. The same longing that many of you humans have. Otello "
That's Amore!

Follow us on Instagram, @AnimalsWL