Sunday, August 17, 2014


THANK YOU Fam. Butt.
Earlier on the blog, we wrote about the dog Moschino that was hit by a car, left with a broken leg and pelvis on the street. He was brought to a veterinarian by volunteers from Adcr Naples. AWL helped them finding a foster home, and wow Moschino got the best foster home ever. 

The Family Butt open their home and hearts for this little fellow. He got so much love, attention and therapy during his stay (exercise and love, the best combo)
Kathryn, its people like you that makes our World look better. Your service, help and effort for this little guy is heart warming. Happy Tears!
From us, AWL, thank you for the best wonderful foster home ***** Moschino is now in Northern Italy with his family that adopted him.
Thank you for making his life mean something.
That's Amore!

Hard life, right?
I get to hang out with a gorgeous family

Even allowing me to be a  couch dog Not bad for being a former street dog, dog.

Black dogs are very hard to adopt away. Shelters are full with black dogs so the joy was tremendous when the rescue group found a family up north.
I get to stay up late and watch tv. What a great life!

Thank you so much loving family Butt for opening your hearts for me, giving me a chance in life to find true happiness.

That's Amore!

#adoption #fosterhome #blackdog #shelter #Italy #goldenhearts #thatsamore

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