Sunday, August 21, 2011


An Amazing colorful team came out last Saturday and did a fantastic change inside our rehab/hospice (Casa ell'Amore) with warm colors.

Gina with husband Werner joined, and worked very hard with picking stones, filling all the wholes that Benny and BB had been digging for quiet some time. A danger to Zamira and Angelo, since they couldn't see them and could twist their legs in the holes. It was a very hot day 97 F

Jason brought his team with him, Abbie, Maranda, Ginger, Alexia and Nick and they worked hard the whole day.

A warm sunny color to brighten the clients' mood up, and of course we volunteers too.

Rocket-Zamira was very interested in keeping an eye so that everything went well. At the end she got a white tail!

We had a great time sprucing up the Casa, and finished with Pizza and drinks for lunch.

From our fish's perspective from the bowl.

In between brushes, a moment of love. Benny and all the other clients were in Earthly Heaven

Lenny our loyal, wonderful volunteer painted outside in the heat. We were amazed. She is 15 years old but already full of responsibility and commitment. Amore Loyality!

By late afternoon, were we all exhausted, even those who got tons of treats and love. Thank you all for your amazing help. You are true, colorful Amore.

Jason Newbold the teamleader, Abbey Smith, Maranda Green, Ginger Barlow, Alexia Acker, Nick Alumbaugh; Lenny Smith, Gina and Werner Rauchenstein, and my family. Teamwork and love... that's amore.

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