Tuesday, January 21, 2014


 We are searching after a forever home to Laika, who acctually have been someones pet for 14 years. Don't let her age scare you,  she is incradable happy and outgoing. Laika has so much yet to offer.
She listens to the name Laika and she was someones pet for 14 years.

One day the family took her to the veterinarian to have her put down for sleep.
This is because Laika is epileptic and also came to have 4 seizures a day.
To their surprise the vet pointed out for them that the medicine they gave her was no longer being used for years, but it was also toxic for the dog.
Medication had to be changed ( Gardenale twice a day ) and immediately no seizures.
Despite this, her family ( an elderly couple ) didn't want to take care of her.
By the grace of the Lord the vet in question is also the Hospice veterinarian -- given his enormous heart. Of course he refused to do the euthanasia of the dog and asked for a small place at the Hospice.
For over a month has Laika been our guest and has NEVER had a seizure .
She is size small (about 8 kg) and despite its age is full of life , playful , cuddly, wagging happy tail .

AWL want to give a happy ending to Laika
A family that wants to take care of her and care for the rest of his life.


Or, you can become her sponsor dog. Help with a donation a month (min 10 euro) it can help the long way for her medicines, or wet can food.

For more information send us an email.

That's Amore!

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