Saturday, February 14, 2009

AWL in the news

Yesterday's activity to close the "terrible shelter" was reported on in the Stars & Stripes newspaper. Read it here.

The reporter told me that her editor cut about half the story she had written because of space limitations. I can only assume he cut the best parts that talked about our wonderful Veterinarian, Dr. Inga and great volunteer/friend Ylva. Our many, many thanks to them.

Also, so many thank-you's to Ms Sandra Jonz, the Stars & Stripes reporter who spent the morning with us at the "terrible shelter" and not only wrote a great article, but will perhaps one day go on a mission with us as a volunteer herself.

People coming together to help those without a voice of their own. That's amore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Mia and team,

thank you so much for your wonderful and selfless work you are doing in Italy and all over the other southern European countries!
I know first hand how much energy and passion you "throw" into your projects!
I am working voluntarily with my fiance with Canispro and Samojede-in-Not together and since 1 week we are now foster parents of 3 wonderful dogs from the Pererra of Zaragoza in Spain. Our "furry noses" brighten our lives every day and bring so much joy, laughter and happiness! Our attachment goes both ways so we decided to adopt them for good and are right now a pack of 6, lol!
I am very interested in your work, especially 'cause I want to continue my projects back in the states by building a "healing-farm" for abused and mistreated children and animals. In my working field as an vet homeopath and psychologist I imagine, that traumatized children and animals can heal each other with the support of a well educated staff! That s my dream and for that we are working hard and try to collect every supportive aid we can get a hold of!
I am training right now one of my Belgium Shepards to become a therapy dog, so we can start visiting wounded and traumatized soldiers in Landstuhl, Germany! Jop has a fascinating ability to calm you down in crisis and if you feel drained and shattered, whenever he puts his long velvet nose in your hands and gives you the look of unconditional love!
I only want to express my happiness and thankfulness for all what you do for the forgotten ones and the creatures which don't have a strong lobby! Stay strong and keep fighting the cruelty and ignorance! I strongly believe in that how we treat our animals is a picture of ourselves and how we treat each other! So if you make the world every day just a little bit better, you make human kind better and in the long run we all might find back to our human side!
So much for today!

Cordially greetings from Germany,

Silke Behrens-Posta & Sgt. Eric Johnson with Pearl, Jop, Martin and Spencer