Tuesday, December 28, 2010


This is Rosita, 18 years-old.

She has been living on the streets nearly her whole life, being fed and looked after by Italian women. But the last months, they could sense Rosita wasn't doing so well.

At the vet. clinic they told the woman that Rosita has heart problems and could not live on the streets any more. She needed a quiet, calm life being medicated twice a day.

My animal friend Martina contacted me asking if it was possible for Rosita to live the rest of her time at the hospice?

Absoloutely! She is a good client having her big warm dog bed, always good food, and being cared for and medicated. She no longer has to worry about dodging cars, other dogs, or finding a dry place to sleep when it is raining and cold.

But, Rosita does need a sponsor. Please help her by donating for medicine and special can food.

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